you would like to email any of the Didjshop departments please click here.
We will be happy to assist you with any queries or questions you my have regarding the site and its operation.
Be sure however to firstly read through the following page as your question(s) may be answered there.
This help page answers some common questions about the didjshop.com web site and how to shop with us:
Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is another useful and extensive resource - with emphasis on
questions about didjeridoos, didj playing techniques, maintenance etc.
We also offer a customer help service designed to help you choose the best didgeridoo
for your needs and budget.
If your query is not covered by any of these, please email our FAQ service so
we can help you to better enjoy this site.
And to contact any other Didjshop department, please click here!
What are the terms and conditions and privacy policy?
Click here for the Didjshop's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
How do I search for specific items inside the shop?
Click here for hints on how to use this feature. You can recall the search hints page at any time by
clicking on search at the top of this page.
The shop section of this web site doesn't seem to function correctly...
This could be due to the fact that your browser does not handle JavaScript very well. We suggest you upgrade to the most recent
version of Internet Explorer or Netscape. If you ARE using these web browsers, check that you have JavaScript enabled - most of the features of
the shop won't work without it.
How do I get back to the main department page?
Click on the "Go Shopping" button at the top of the window. Once you've entered didjshop.com,
this is in view at all times.
My screen is too small to see across some Didjshop pages. Why?
If you're having this problem, most likely your screen resolution is below 800 x 600 pixels. If so, reset it - if you
can - to 800 x 600 or above.
Not sure of your screen resolution? The line below should tell you...
How do I order more than one of an item?
If it's a didj - you can't! Each one of our didjes is unique - so don't try to order the same didj twice! Likewise, didjes
marked SOLD or ORDERED can't be purchased!
To order more than one of the other items we sell (boomerangs, bullroarers, clap sticks, didj bags and videos), simply repeat
click on that item's Add to Basket button and OK the order each time.
You can also adjust quantities when you visit the shopping basket - the first stage of placing an order
once you've chosen the items you'd like to buy.
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How do I order by fax using my credit card?
If you wish to pay by this method, follow these steps:
- Place the items you want to buy into the shopping basket.
- Go to the checkout, select the appropriate shipping options and click 'proceed with order'
- Fill in your personal details and then click the 'print' button above the form.(If you want the goods to be delivered to a different address,
choose that option and fill in the delivery details in the following panel first)
- You will now get a new window showing your order. Just print this form (click file and select 'print' or use Ctrl-P on your keyboard), fill
in your credit card details and sign it
- Fax the form to us at: +61-7-40937755
We will email you with an order acknowledgment within 24 hours. Should you fail to receive that, please email
us for confirmation.
Can I pay by International Money Order?
Yes. If you wish to pay by this method, follow these steps:
- Place the items you want to buy into the shopping basket.
- Go to the checkout, select the appropriate shipping options and click 'proceed with order'
- Fill in your personal details and then click the 'print' button above the form.(If you want the goods to be delivered to a different address,
choose that option and fill in the delivery details in the following panel first)
- You will now get a new window showing your order. You can either cut and paste everything on that order into an email
to our sales staff or you can print it and fax it to: +61-7-40937755
- Tell us on the fax or the email that you wish to pay by international money order
- Once you receive our order confirmation telling you that we reserve your goods for two weeks pending payment, you need to buy an international
money order made out to DIDJSHOP.COM Box 51, Kuranda, Queensland, 4881, Australia and send it to us by airmail (you might want to register the
letter or send it by express courier).
- Fax us a copy of the money order immediately to ensure that we will keep your goods, even if the mail is delayed for some reason.
We will dispatch your goods as soon as we receive your money order.
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Can I pay by International Bank Check?
Yes. If you wish to pay by this method, follow these steps:
- Place the items you want to buy into the shopping basket.
- Go to the checkout, select the appropriate shipping options and click 'proceed with order'
- Fill in your personal details and then click the 'print' button above the form.(If you want the goods to be delivered to a different address,
choose that option and fill in the delivery details in the following panel first)
- You will now get a new window showing your order. You can either cut and paste everything on that order into an email
to our sales staff or you can print it and fax it to: +61-7-40937755
- Tell us on the fax or the email that you wish to pay by international bank check
- Once you receive our order confirmation telling you that we reserve your goods for two weeks pending payment, you need to buy an international
bank check made out to: The Didgeridoo Specialist, Box 51, Kuranda, Queensland, 4881, Australia and mail it to us at that address (you might want
to register the letter or send it by express courier). Please ensure that it is drawable on a bank in Australia, otherwise you might be waiting
a long time for clearance.
- Fax us a copy of the bank check immediately to ensure that we will keep your goods, even if the mail is delayed for some reason.
We will dispatch your goods as soon as your international bank check is cleared.
Can I pay by Telegraph Transfer?
Yes. If you wish to pay by this method, follow these steps:
- Place the items you want to buy into the shopping basket.
- Go to the checkout, select the appropriate shipping options and click 'proceed with order'
- Fill in your personal details and then click the 'print' button above the form (if you want the goods to be delivered to a different address,
choose that option and fill in the delivery details in the following panel first)
- You will now get a new window showing your order. You can either cut and paste everything on that order into an email
to our sales staff or you can print it and fax it to: +61-7-40937755
- Tell us on the fax or the email that you wish to pay by telegraphic transfer
- Once you receive our order confirmation telling you that we reserve your goods for two weeks pending payment, you authorize your bank to make
a telegraphic transfer to our account:
Account Name: Surdham Pty/Ltd t/a The Didgeridoo Specialist
Bank: Bendigo Bank, 53 Lake Street, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia
BSB: 633 000
Account No: 139907489
Swiftcode: BENDAU3B
NOTE: Your bank, especially in Europe, might ask you for an IBAN number. Please let them know that Australian banks do not have an IBAN number.
- Fax us a copy of your bank's payment order form showing stamp of acceptance.
We will dispatch your goods as soon as we receive your funds in our account.
You can speed up the transfer considerably by faxing or emailing us the name of the remitting bank and the transfer reference
number used. This will ensure you that the money has been sent and it will also enable us to trace it from our end much sooner.
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Once my goods have been sent, can I track their progress?
Yes! All didgeridoos sent outside Australia are shipped via FedEx. You will receive notification of dispatch as follows:
Your order was dispatched on 23.8.2008 with FedEx. The airway bill number is 159 9368 234. If you go to: www.fedex.com/Tracking?cntry_code=us you
will be able to track your shipment using the above airway bill number.
What is the shipping cost for a didj to my country?
Shipping costs depend a lot on weight. The easiest way to find out the shipping fees for goods you want to order is to put the
item/s in question into the shopping basket and go to the checkout.
Follow the prompts about shipping options and you'll be able to see what the freight is going to cost you. You don't need to enter
any personal info to do this and can terminate the ordering process at any time.
There is also a table of shipping fees which you can look at here - but please note it
only lists fees for didjeridus - not the other items for sale in didjshop.com
How much does it cost in my currency?
Want to know our prices in US Dollars, Euros, Pounds,Yen... or in any other currency?
The Currency Converter makes it easy!
The currency converter can be accessed via the Didjshop's main shopping page, or if you're already viewing
the product lists, the link is visible in the top left-hand corner. In both cases the link is named "Currency Converter". Click
on that link to gain access to the converter.
From the drop down list select your preferred currency and click on the "Select" button. Initially, all stock is priced
in AUS and US dollars. However, once a currency option has been selected all products available for sale will be priced in AUS dollars
and your selected currency. Prices are visible under the button
next to the viewed product.
The currency converter will remain in affect, for all stock listings, until a new currency option is chosen.
The currency converter works at the time of ordering as well. The order copy you receive appears in both Australian dollars and
an additional currency. This extra currency is either the one you've selected - or US dollars by default.
Note: Currency conversion rates are a guide for your convenience only. They are updated once each US business day. We do
not guarantee the accuracy of this information. There might also be a change in the exchange rate by the time your order is processed. You will
be charged using the exchange rate on the day of processing, which might be different from the displayed foreign currency amount.
How do I use the various translations of this web site?
At Didjshop.com we are aware of the extensive nationality of our viewers and have done our best to accommodate and welcome those
not so familiar with the English language.
The Web site pages can be viewed in specific languages by clicking on the national flags throughout the site. The site will remain
in its chosen translated form as long as the linked pages have also been translated.
We are working continuously to get all pages fully translated.
There is also a general help page which explains how to use the translations provided.
At present, this page is available only in for Spanish visitors 
Can you tell me what percentage of the final cost goes towards the artist? In other words,
how much does the artist get paid for their work?
I am sorry but I cannot tell you how much we pay our artists and suppliers.
First of all this information is confidential between our suppliers and us,
Secondly we do not disclose this information as this would give our competitors an unfair advantage.
Thirdly it is impossible to say even if we wanted to. This is because it varies a lot. We are mainly a wholesale exporter competing
on price with competitors which sell not only non-indigenous didgeridoos harvested without permits (avoiding forestry royalties) but who also do
none of the over 25 extra processes we do with our didjes after we buy them from our indigenous suppliers. So in this market we operate with very
tight profit margins and subsequently can only pay a base price to our suppliers.
On top of that we pay both our didj cutters and artist bonuses if any of their didjes sell for a better than normal price.
I can assure you that almost all of our suppliers are aware what we sell their products and art for and are very happy with what
they get from us and consider our payments to them to be a lot fairer than what they get elsewhere.
Do you mail didgeridoos to Europe? More specific if I order a didgeridoo from you, would you
ship it to Slovenia?
We just sent a didj to Ljubljana. We also sent several didjes to the former Yugoslavia previously, so yes, we can ship a didj
to Slovenia. We use FedEx and you can track your didj online on its one week journey to you.
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