This web site provides extensive background information about didgeridoos, Australian Aboriginal culture - and other Aboriginal
artifacts such as boomerangs and bullroarers.
We believe that the more someone knows about didgeridoos, the more enjoyment they'll have playing a didge - or simply listening
to the sound of this remarkable instrument.
From here, you can explore our web site's information content - including how to get the most out of shopping at
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Didgeridoos are utterly distinctive woodwind instruments, unique to Australian Aboriginal culture.
It's not known when didjeridoos were created, but they've been made and played by Aboriginal people in northern Australia for
a very long time....
Over the last decade, there's been a worldwide surge of interest in the didgeridoo.
Didjes are now played in many parts of the world, and are made from a wide variety of natural and artificial materials.
But most experienced didgeridoo players agree that the finest playing didjes are authentic, Aboriginal-crafted didjeridus from
northern Australia.
There are many different types of authentic didgeridoos - painted, plain, forked, healing, bell,
ochre, collection etc.
Read about Authentic Aboriginal Didgeridoo Issues in didgeridoo making.
Like to Go Shopping for didgeridoos? Even if you only want to 'window shop', visit our Shop
Front! From there, you can explore the largest and finest range of didgeridoos available anywhere.
You can learn the crucial characteristics of each individual didj, view the didgeridoo - and listen to the sound of all concert
class didjeridoos in MP3.
Australian Aboriginal Culture
an unbroken and age-old association with the Australian continent - extending at least 50,000 years into the past - Australian Aboriginal culture
can proudly claim to be the oldest living culture on earth.
During the millennia, Australian Aborigines developed a unique culture and technology - or more accurately, many related
but distinct cultures. Hundreds of different languages were spoken in different regions, and many different customs and practices developed, finely
adapted to life within the varied ecosystems of the Australian continent.
Australian Aborigines know five seasons depending on rainfall rather than temperature. The nomadic way of life followed by most
Aboriginal groups for tens of thousands of years was well-adapted to extreme variations in climate and food supply.
Then, just over 200 years ago, people with a very different culture and technology began to invade Australia.
The last two centuries have been devastating for Aboriginal people. Deep scars remain from the brutal impact of European colonisation
and its aftermath.
the positive side, Aboriginal culture in Australia is now assured of survival - and attracts more and more interest worldwide.
Here are some resources to help introduce you to Aboriginal Culture, history and society:
Other Aboriginal Artifacts
Aboriginal culture gave rise to highly distinctive and well-known artifacts. Boomerangs, for instance, are also
unique to Australia.
Traditional Aboriginal technology was both simple and sophisticated. Above all, it was adapted to the constraints of nomadic life. sells boomerangs, clap
sticks and bullroarers. All the artifacts we sell are authentic handicraft, created
by Australian Aboriginal artists.
specialty and main line is didgeridoos. Quite simply, we aim to be the best online didgeridoo store in the world.
Judging by many visitors' comments, our Visitors'
Book and unsolicited Testimonials, we can already claim that prize.
At every stage - from purchasing to processing, web display, customer liaison, sales and dispatch - we try to provide a first-class
service and to be accurate, reliable, honest and responsive to our customers' needs.
Unlike many didgeridoo web sites which invite you to buy 'sight unseen', we provide a lot of information about every didgeridoo
for sale in our shop - sufficient, we hope, for you to make a very well-informed choice. In case you need extra assistance, we offer a personalized
didjeridoo customer help service.
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