If you'd
prefer to see the full range of department options presented before you as a set of links, with links to other useful related pages, the Shop
Front is the place to go. Incidentally, the Go Shopping button at the top of the window is always available to return you to the Shop
Front with one click.
Organized by department
All the didjeridoos are arranged within departments. There are two different kinds of departments - the first arranged
by price, the other by type. Some didjeridoos are located in only one department; others may be in two. If you are an experienced didj fan, you'll
probably prefer to use the type departments, If you are not, we recommend that you browse through the dollar departments.
Not just didgeridoos!
The Didjshop
sells other items as well. Each has its own department in the shop:
All the artifacts for sale - boomerangs, clap
sticks and bullroarers - as well as our entire range of didgeridoos - are crafted by Aboriginal
Didjshop Gift Vouchers a great present to give to a didjeridu fan. The
person who receives the Gift voucher is able to choose the didj they like - and he or she receives an attractive Gift Card to announce your gift.
Ordering is simple - just click on the "Add to Basket" button next to the item you want to buy. It looks like this: 
You can select a few items - or just one. It's up to you.
We can supply items listed above in multiples if you wish - but of course, each didgeridoo is unique - so don't order the
same didj more than once!
You can always remove items from your shopping basket later - and make other adjustments to your order. Use the Checkout button
at the top of the window to view your shopping basket - and from there follow the instructions if you wish to complete an order or if you just
want to find out the associated freight costs.
Currency Converter
The Currency Converter can be accessed through the Didjshop's main shopping page via the "Currency
Converter" link, or if you're already viewing the product lists, the links are visible in the top left-hand corner and are named "Choose
Currency". Click on the link to gain access to the Converter.
From the drop down list choose your preferred currency and click on the "Select" button. Initially, all stock is priced
in AUS and US dollars. However, once a currency option has been selected all products available for sale will be priced in AUS dollars
and your selected currency.
Prices are visible under the button
next to the product being viewed.
The Currency Converter will remain in affect, for all stock listings, until a new currency option is chosen.
Need more Help
We have a Help Page here which answers common questions - especially about payment methods and other
shopping issues. Your questions may also be answered by looking up our Terms and Conditions, Privacy
Policy or Shipping Fees page.
Help using the shop's inbuilt search facility is here.
Do you have a web site? If so, you may wish to join our affiliates scheme (it's a way of making a little cash); check out Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQs) for Didjshop affiliates.
We also have a general FAQs page covering a wide and growing range of topics - and provide personalized
assistance for if you'd like to buy a didgeridoo and need advice to help you choose your didj.
Showing off...
to see what other people have said about our web site, shop and business?
We'd like to show you!
Check out our Visitors' Book (please leave your own comment and even a photo if you wish). We
also have a testimonials page and comments left by visitors while
entering our didjeridoo giveaway competition. We also have an awards
and media page.
Heaps to see and do
Lots of visitors come to this site to learn more about didgeridoos and the Aboriginal culture which invented them.
The main information page summaries the info content of this site.
Are you interested in finding other didgeridoo players, sharing music with them or locating a didge teacher? If so, check out
the Didjnet.
The Didjnet - and other things you can do - are summarized in Didj World
Prices are in Australian dollars.
One A$ is currently worth approximately US cents or Euro cents.
Please use the Choose Currency link on all product pages to display approximate prices in your currency at current exchange rates. |