Didgeridoo Sound Healing |
This is a wide and as yet very poorly represented issue. Didgeridoo healing is the use of didgeridoo sound to heal people (and animals). The didgeridoo is an instrument that produces low frequency sound that we can hear and actual vibrations that we can feel, especially if the end of the didgeridoo is placed close to the body.
The low frequencies have a noticeable effect on living tissue. I am not aware of any studies of how the sound vibrations affect our tissue and organs (if you know of any, please let me know) but many people have actually experienced definite healing effects of the didgeridoo (see also https://www.didjshop.com.au/effects_comments.htm). Aboriginal elders have shared with me that the didgeridoo was played near sick people to help them heal, although I have not heard of any accounts of the didj being played directly onto the body in Aboriginal culture. So there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that the low vibrations of the didj have a healing influence on our bodies. How to use the didgeridoo for Healing There are several aspects and possibilities to the use of the didgeridoo in sound healing:
The effects on the didgeridoo player Much of the benefits of playing the didj is probably due to circular breathing as well as simply breathing more than usual. In order to play didgeridoo one has to breathe a lot. The more you breathe the better your didj playing gets. Since most people normally breathe very shallow the extra amount of air circulating through the lungs in itself is beneficial. There is no doubt that breathing is one of the most important aspects to our health. There is some evidence that cancer is often associated with low oxygen levels in tissue and other evidence that asthma sufferers emphasise the in-breath but do not allow the air to go back out in a relaxed way. We have heard anecdotal evidence that didj playing has vastly improved those afflictions (as well as several others) for some people. If you play the didgeridoo for longer than half an hour, you are likely to go into a trance like state. It is as if your brainwaves
go into alpha state. Most people report becoming very relaxed and yet very aware, feeling at rest and yet being energised. The effects on people listening to a didgeridoo For anyone to be in the same space as a didgeridoo being played is usually a healing experience, even though many people would not even be aware of it. Most people report that they feel relaxed and yet energised when listening to the didgeridoo being played. Here are some more comments people gave when asked for their first experience of didgeridoo sound: deeply touching, in tune with the world, takes away from thinking, awe inspiring, magical, feels like a voice from the earth, ancient, haunting, powerful, primal, other worldly, mesmerizing, calming, enchanting, soothing, mystical, hypnotic, relaxing, earthly feeling, primordial. You will enhance these feelings if you avoid fast changes in rhythm and loud vocals and instead concentrate on harmonics and overtones. Listening to the didj seems to awaken deep and ancient feelings creating emotions within us which are soothing and healing, especially
the deep relaxation the didj allows people to experience. There is no doubt that listening to the didj is a very effective treatment for stress and
many of our regular visitors use the didj to wind down after a stressful day at work. The stress relieving effect of the didj can even be achieved by listening to didj recordings, especially if they are didj only CD's or have very few other instruments. Playing the didgeridoo with it's end being held by the recipient I like to call the didgeridoo a psychic vacuum cleaner except that it's rather a psychic blower. It seems to dissipate tensions, stress and any negative energies stuck anywhere in the body and to harmonise the energy. Didgeridoo healing is also called vibrational healing since the recipient can actually feel the vibrations in his/her body which are caused by the low frequency sound of the didgeridoo. Interestingly ESA (the European Space Agency) is currently investigating the beneficial effect of vibrations on bone, muscle and hormone function for long space travel. I would love to see a scientific study into the effect of didj vibrations on the body and I would bet that beneficial effects would be found. Playing the didj with it's end being held by the recipient is a good introduction for anyone to didj healing. Giving the recipient
control about where and how close they want the sound directed to their body helps to relax people and makes the experience less threatening. A nice variant on this healing modality is two people giving each other didj healing. You sit again opposite each other and with one hand you hold the top of your own didj while with the other you hold the bottom end of the other didj. Please also see the tips further down. Moving the didgeridoo over the body of the recipient while playing This, in my experience, is the strongest and most versatile way to provide a healing experience for the recipient. In order to do
this you need a fairly light didgeridoo which preferably is of very good clarity and resonance. These sort of didgeridoos we classify as Healing
Didjes. Ask the recipient to lay on a thin mattress or rug on the floor (it is best they have only light, loose clothing if any). The feet are usually the body part I approach and give a good sound bath first - the soles of the feet are well accessible if the
person lays on their belly. Approaching the feet first is less threatening than starting with the belly or the head. When you do a didj healing session trust your own feelings. You might be drawn to a certain area of the recipients body or feel
like playing a didj of a certain musical key, you might feel like playing fast on one body part and slow on another. Don't question these urges,
just follow them and trust the process. There are no hard and fast rules, didj healing is intuitive, so use my suggestions only as an inspiration and enjoy... Tips:
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