Didjshop Didgeridoos Sold Around the WORLD!

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Lion's Head













































New Liskeard





Rainy River





Sioux Narrows





Sioux Narrows


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Name and Country: Anonymous from Canada

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I adore the artwork, backpressure, toots, overtones, and manageable size of this Didj.

"ah941" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Exquisite workmanship and impeccable service.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Sound Quality, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
The website was recommended by a highly respected friend.

Name and Country: Anonymous from Canada

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I absolutely adore the massive size of this instrument, as well as the gorgeous artwork adorning its surface. The sound quality and richness of tone are also extraordinary. I can't really say I dislike any qualities of this didj.

"ah220" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The service I received from didjshop.com was wonderfully expedient, and I greatly enjoyed the level of contact between myself and the didjshop sales representatives. The workmanship on the didj itself was utterly exquisite, I could not have anticipated an instrument of any higher quality.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Sound Quality, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
My Didgeridoo instructor (Gary Diggins) highly recommended your website.

Name and Country: Cindy from Canada

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Nice feel, clear sound, responsive clear voice, easy player

"am094" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Service was prompt, friendly and efficient. The workmanship on the didj is excellent, although there were some minor varnish drips and small gap in the beeswax mouthpiece

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Good reputation, know others who had purchased from you

How does "am094" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Sound quality is excellent, don't have a lot of comparison on the price and value.

Name and Country: Anonymously

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Liked the artwork and the sound.

"an636" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Service was fast. Didgeridoo came half way across the world in a week.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?

Name and Country: Andrew hodge from Canada

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I lOVE IT!! I am very happy with the resonance, the sound is clear and crisp.

"al347" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Any questioned I had about quality and shipping were answered immediately. The workman ship is nice, simple and that's what I like, so I am very happy w/ it. I received my didj in two days! It went half way around the world and at my door step in TWO DAYS! I was very immpressed and excited.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Sound Quality, Business Ethics, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Mainly the excellent workmanship and the focus on aboriginal rights and culture.

How does "al347" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
The sound blows the others out of the water. The price is a lot more then what I paid but the quality is well worth it.

Name and Country: Jason Kitching from Canada

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
This didj is amazing! I love it.

"al492" was rated by us as "Low Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Much better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The service I received was outstanding. My didj arrived much soon than expected. As for the workmanship, also outstanding. My didj is a work of art.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
My main reason was that your didjes are aboriginal made so I knew the money was going to the right people. Second, your website is awesome.

How does "al492" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Right at the top!

Name and Country: Jocelyn from Canada

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
The sound, the shape, the artwork

"al186" was rated by us as "Low Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The didge is an aural and visual work of art. I am fortunate to own an authentic didgeridoo from Autstralia. In regards to your service you were very helpful in guiding me through the various financial directives to make this transaction possible.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Low Price, Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Because, in my view, a purchase this important is best done through people who know the business and have a deep respect for the instrument and how it's made.

How does "al186" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
This is a completely different class of didge. The others are fine and they were good to learn on but they do not have the richness of sound, the real sound and the hand crafted art. They were much cheaper. Some I made myself using ABS pipe.

Name and Country: coalton from Canada

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
THis didj is fantastic it souds great and plays even better

"am326" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
I love the web site the ratings & sounds bites for each didj are what sold me on you instruments. the worksmanship and overall quality of the didj is fantastic

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy

How does "am326" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
it cos more but was well worth it