Didjshop Didgeridoos Sold Around the WORLD!

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St. Johann






















































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Name and Country: Gerhard from Austria

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
light, very clear and crisp sound. In general I don't find the engraved serial number on the didjes very appealing, although it is certainly very useful for the management for tracking the products and similar purposes.

"an342" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
service is friendly and competent

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
comparison with other online shops

How does "an342" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Overall similar to the other termite hollowed didjes, although this didj was cheaper.

Name and Country: Gerhard from Austria

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
excellent sound

"an367" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
competent and friendly ssupport

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Sound Quality

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
informative website

How does "an367" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
all termite my hollowed didjes are excellent

Name and Country: Ewald from Austria

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj

"ap135" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Sofortige Problemlösung bei nicht funktionierenden Webshop im Bezug auf Einkauf

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Super Webshop, tolle Did-Beschreibung/umfangreiche Bewertung

How does "ap135" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Einfach ein Aboriginal Made

Name and Country: Anonymous from Austria

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I like the naturalness!

"an130" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The service was excellent. The look of the didj is straightforward. I am happy!

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

How does "an130" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
much better!

Name and Country: Anonymously

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
good descriptions bad payment processor

"af976" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
difficult to pay from Europe

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliable Trustworthy Business

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
good choice

Name and Country: Yuri Zhdanau from Belarus

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I like to play the Didj very much, but I dislike when I have to stop didjing and get to work.

"am846" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Much better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Uuuuhhhhhhh!!!! I couldn't even imagine that it can be so easy and that it is such a pleasure to buy something in internet especially a Didj. Thank You so much. Good work!

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
The only place, where anyone can buy an original Didj is didjshop.com, isn't it?;-)

How does "am846" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
it's uncomparable in every way. thank you.

Name and Country: Yuri Zhdanau from Belarus

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I don't know. How can I dislike something about this Didj? Can you imagine something I could dislike? If yes, feel free to share!:) Saying in words - I like the colour:) and Sound.

"am928" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Much better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
I couldn't even imagine before that I will have to make a credit card. So, well done, Didjshop, well done. Now I'll through it away... or maybe order one more Didj with it:)

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Sound Quality, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I don't know exactly, but I'm totally sure that you are the only shop where I can find geniune Didj. So I'll never try to find any other, exist it or not.

How does "am928" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Every single Didj is individually original.

Name and Country: Jean-sebastien from Belgium

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Really good product, good sound and quality as expected

"af495" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
No comment ... It's what I expected

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Name and Country: Anonymous from Belgium

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I like: the fork; the sound; the paintings; the colour

"as071" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
I m very happy: very efficient n professionnal n quick n good packing, lovely product

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I dont know other places and, since I am happy with it (bought one b4 already), why go search elsewhere ?

How does "as071" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
in the top 3, difficult to be more precise

Name and Country: Anonymously

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I like the size, I like big openings, and decoration, and key; I dont like the price (but my friendsays I am stingy); the only thing is I hoped better for vocals but maybe the problem is with me. It is a lovely didj.

"ah864" was rated by us as "Low Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Not quite as good as expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Service and wormanship fully satisfying, good packaging and quick service!

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Can hear the didj before I buy, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Made in Australia

How does "ah864" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Price was about the same, and quality: in the top 3 of the 6, ex aequo 2 and 3. Number 1 has some magic in the sound, dont know if it is special wood, it is a warm dark brown red and dense, heavy one, when buying I had been told this kind could not be exported anymore...

Name and Country: Donat from Belgium

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I find it is a very difficult to play instrument. The backpressure was not rated correctly. The hoot is impossible to use in a rhythm. It is possible to make the sound of the hoot, but is is almost impossible to return to the drone just after that. The overtones where rated quite high if I'm not mistaken. They are great, but unusable while using the drone. They have to be played as a new drone. The sound it makes is great though. And it reacts to voice in an incredible manner, as was said on the rating. It is thus a very good instrument for meditation. Is was however looking for an instrument to use for recordings and rhythmic melodies. What I like the most about this didgeridoo is that I can play it while standing up :-) and I'm 1m86!

"ah634" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Not quite as good as expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The service was very good. I have to make a remark on the didg bag that accompanied the instrument. It is a very big didgeridoo. The didg bag was obviously made from a pattern designed for smaller instruments and expanded to fit the size of this one. The handle does not allow lifting the instrument! If you try to lift the didg by the handle when it is in the bag, one end just stays on the floor. It was not balanced at all. Also, the long strap made to carry the bag on one's shoulder is not usable! I had to adapt it by tying a scarf around the bag at a lower level to be able to use it. The original position of the strap makes it usable only by people who have shoulders at more than 1m80 from the ground... After placing the scarf inside the handle and using it to block the strap at a lower height, it is now usable. And it can't be said that the strap was made to carry the didgeridoo horizontally: you can lift it up from the part closer to the mouth piece or further from it, the didgeridoo stays vertical all the same (the weight being mostly at the end bit due to the big bell)

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
My didj was less than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I expected a good sound and high quality instrument that made it fit for concert like usage.

How does "ah634" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
This didgeridoo was much more expensive than my others. I have bought a bamboo one at 15€ that is impressively good. I got another one in Holland for a price just under this one. The one from Holland is the one I am using the most for the time being.

Name and Country: Donat from Belgium

"ad669" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
About the workmanship: This didgeridoo had been cut too short at first. There is a neat mark of chainsaw (?) cut on the bark a few centimeters above the lower end. This does not impact on sound quality and is not visible to the public. But of course, one tends to know its instrument from head to tail... About the sound quality: I was disappointed with the sound I could get out of this didgeridoo the first time. It has a tendency to play a very flat and non musical drone if you don't know how to play it. This forced me to improve my lips usage and my overall playing abilities. It is however tiring to play because of the high note and tighter lips requirement. About the looks: I just love bark didges because they are unusual. But I systematically get remarks like "is this real wood?" because of the plastic effect due to the wax covering of the bark. People really have to touch this didgeridoo to believe it is a genuine wood one.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Low Price, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Made in Australia

How does "ad669" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
the other didges are bamboo ones and hand made (1 cardboard & 1 aluminium). the bamboo ones compare pretty well for a much cheaper price. but the sound quality of the genuine termite hollowed is much better by far.