Didjshop Didgeridoos Sold Around the WORLD!

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Saint George





Saint George
















































































Apache Junction





San Tan Valley







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Name and Country: Shirley from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Value - i.e., the nice sound and art came as a good value in a true didj.

"an258" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
There was an issue with my international payment, but us customer service was right there to help.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

How does "an258" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Much better

Name and Country: Randy Wilson from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
This didj is exactly as it was stated, sound, sound quality, playability, etc. It is loud and crisp with great harmonics. I expected a great didj and I got a great didj!!

"al229" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Your service was as to be expected. You guys have a great reputation and I trust buying a didj from you.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I appreciate and respect your integrity as artists, and as a business. As well as, your commitment to keeping the best interest of the aboriginal culture in mind. I also like your information regarding the steps you take to maintain this fine balance.

How does "al229" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
I have 5 Agave didjs made by Rob Thomas of Inlakesh and 4 split and hallowed Aspen didjs from Ben Hicks. The Agave from Rob are all GREAT didjs, and the ones from Ben are great didjs as well. In a side by side test, the subtlies in sound between my best Agave and al229 are hard to compare. Mostly because of the materials. They are both amazing instruments. As far as an overall comparison, it is in my top 2 or 3, out of 12.

Name and Country: Anthony Ford from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Big, deep tone are things I like.

"an136" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Your service is remarkable. Communication was top-notch and I appreciated Shiralee's help and advice. The workmanship was what I expected and I wasn't disappointed.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Good explanations about cost and manufacture justified the higher cost.

How does "an136" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Much higher price, sound quality equal. "Value" is hard to specify.

Name and Country: Bernard from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Like: It has really pretty good sound for its size. and the drone is easy. Dislike: The first toot is fairly hard to hit on this particular didge

"ae810" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The workmanship seems really good. One rare and interesting happening with this didge thought is that when I take it up into the mountains, a crack opens that is about 3 inches long just below the mouthpiece. Then when I get back home, it closes up within a week. Strange, but the same exact thing has happened on 2 separate occasions.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I had had a good prior experience

How does "ae810" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
On price, it is generally better than some of the other didges I have purchased. As such, on sound quality, it is not quite as good as some of the other didges I have purchased. It is fairly small, and for its size it does pretty well. I bought it for about $320 (US dollars), and many of my other didges are twice as expensive (and up), so I don't expect it to sound as good as a didge costing twice as much. However, I have learned in my didge collecting quest that high price does not necessarily equate to great sound (or more specifically the sound and playing qualities that I may desire for a particular didge), and I have gotten some stellar didges in the $300 to $400 dollar range. It depends on the specific sound/playing qualities that you are looking for.

Name and Country: Bernard from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I like the overall sound Quality: Harmonics, resonance, and richness. The only thing to wish a bit more of would be volume.

"al399" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The workmanship is top notch as usual, and the only thing that I could possibly say about the service was that it took a bit longer than I expected to get the didge, but this was not a typical transaction as I traded back a didge I had previously purchased, and as such, the shipping agent (Kingfisher) apparently held up the process by not swiftly sending the total.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Business Ethics

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I have purchased 4 high concert and 1 medium concert didged from the didjshop, and haven't been disappointed. I was fortunate to be able to play this didge prior to actually purchasing it because I was on a trip to Australia

How does "al399" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
I have a fair number of didges that are very very nice in terms of sound Quality, and I would rate al399 as among the nicest didges I have in terms of sound Quality. It wasn't an inexpensive didge, and I do have didges that have similar sound Quality at 1/2 to 2/3 the price, but I consider price a part of the Aritsts interpretation, so I focus mainly on sound Quality and just try to have the money to make the purchase.

Name and Country: Bernard from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Like: Appearance, sound quality. Dislike: This didge could use more backpressure for the way I like to play, but it is a lower key, so that is somewhat understandable

"ah300" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Top notch

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Reliable Trustworthy Business

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Good experiences with past purchases

How does "ah300" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
It is comparable, but has the lowest backpressure of any didge I own. Having said that I use it as a training tool to improve my ability to move large amounts of air throught the didge.

Name and Country: Bernard from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Like: Overall sound quality. Clarity, richness and resonance are all superb. Dislike: Nothing

"ae653" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Both are top notch.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Reliable Trustworthy Business

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Large selection of great instruments

How does "ae653" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
It is a benchmark didge in a number of areas. No didge can be the best in ALL areas, but this one is excellent in many areas.

Name and Country: anthony from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
This was a good one to basic, breathing techniques. It conditions your mind and lungs for your practise tunes and scales.

"ah252" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Very good service, however need responses to my emails with important questions I had a few months ago. Other than that very good service, timely deliveries.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Aboriginal Made

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
None at this time

How does "ah252" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Better than expected