Didjshop Didgeridoos Sold Around the WORLD!

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Twin Falls










Idaho Falls




















New Meadows















Coeur d'Alene












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Name and Country: Anonymous from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I like the shape and the artwork. I bought it more for looks than sound.

"an634" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Easy to work with. Nice selection.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Selection. Unique pieces.

How does "an634" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
I really don't know, I bought this without knowing much about Dijis. The sound is actually much higher in pitch than I thought it would be.

Name and Country: Anonymous from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
It looks and sounds good and is well made. The mouth opening was a little on the small side (for me).

"ae306" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The only gripe I have about your service is that you got my address wrong.The didge kept going from Buffalo N.Y. to Fla. (You had it labled to Buffalo, N.Y with a Fla zip code and I live in Buffalo Wyoming). We did track it down and I did get it.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Can hear the didj before I buy, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
There were others that I checked into but I had the feeling that you were the best and I could trust you.

Name and Country: Julie from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
It is beautiful.

"al663" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
This is a gift for our son for Christmas, we think he'll love it.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

Name and Country: Denis from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
The overall craftsmanship is great as is the art work by Ngamu Kari. The turtle(tortoise) theme compliments my memories of natural places.

"am465" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Much better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Similar to the 081 I purchased recently from your shop, outstanding in both areas.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I was extremely pleased with 085 and wanted to compliment that instrument in key and some artwork

How does "am465" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?

Name and Country: Denis from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
This Digi is reminiscent of the Digis I enjoyed in the 1960's while working in the NT, and it is real.

"an081" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The ordering and shipping was snappy. NIce website and display of products. The site reveals the sound and craftsmanship very clearly.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
apparent quality representation of craftsmen and artist

Name and Country: Cameron from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I like the quality and the pitch of the drone. It seems to be not too high and not too low.

"am833" was rated by us as "Low Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Service was excellent. Your team did a great job and I could not believe have fast it arrived. The workmanship was also impressive.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?

How does "am833" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Uncomparable. I could not believe how much was lacking from my cheap didj

Name and Country: John from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Love the design and high quality

"ap604" was rated by us as "Low Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Every question was answered in a timely manner and everyone was very patient with me

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Great reviews

Name and Country: chris ruffner from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I like the fact that my didge was made the traditional way. Having just received my didge today I have not been able to play it much. It was super cold and I wanted it to warm up first. I did play it a little and i loved the sound

"af944" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Everything was perfect, It all looks great

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Business Ethics, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I liked what I saw, and heard

How does "af944" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
It is a100% better than the one i started with

Name and Country: Anonymous from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Love it. Now he just needs to learn to use it.

"ah009" was rated by us as "2nd". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Fast service, packaged well. Love the design. There was some overspray on the end, but we can live with it.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

How does "ah009" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Much more consistent sound than ones I saw in stores.

Name and Country: Eric from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I dont think there is anything wrong with the didj

"ah537" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Aboriginal Made

How does "ah537" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Far better on quality and value, much more expensive

Name and Country: Anonymous from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
It sounds great and it fits me perfectly.

"am791" was rated by us as "Low Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Service was extremely personable, much more than expected - thanks for being so wonderful. Workmanship: two paint dots came off, but you can barely notice it.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Extremely informative and knowledgable website / disemanation of