Didjshop Didgeridoos Sold Around the WORLD!

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Name and Country: Sandra from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
like the shape and the sound don't like the pattern on it as much as the one that was smashed but can't play that one

"ah482" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
the packaging of the didj was phenomenal not a scratch on it

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
all of the abovre

How does "ah482" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?

Name and Country: Carl R. Roberti from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Nothing to dislike! It has a fantastic sound and is easy to play! It was played by Ash Dargan on a visit to my home and he gave it great compliments on its quality and sound.

"ae913" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
The service was excellent, taking extra steps to ensure a secure, valid transaction. A discount was applied to the didj two days after I made the web purchase, and was was honored for my purchase even though it came after.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Didjnet, the forums, everything I need is here!

How does "ae913" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
It is one of my top two.

Name and Country: Edward P La Corte from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I Like the Super Low Key...Low G!Thats a pretty hard Key to find in the Didge World!

"ad036" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
I really enjoyed talking to Svargo and Cathy about this Didge,and I bought another Didge from you about a Year later as a result!

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Both of the Sticks I got from you are super low,the other is a Low D#....Super Rare Key!Though difficult to learn...I came to Love it!!!

How does "ad036" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
Very favorably

Name and Country: Edward.P. La Corte from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I Like Everything about this Didge,I Like the Looks of the wood...I like the Impressive Length 9 feet and 3 inches...and I Love the incredible subsonic deep sound of the super Low D# Key.Vocals are excellent too!!!I have to admit though it took 3 or 4 days to figure out how to play the thing...but Svargo helped Me out with a tip He gave Me in an email,now it is easy!!!

"ae295" was rated by us as "Medium Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
No complaints...Excellent!

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I never found anywhere a Didge that was anywhere near as Low in Key,as this Low D#.After thinking about it for a year...I final had to get it!

How does "ae295" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
It is one of the best one I have,though perhaps not as flexible as a higher pitched one...can't play super fast for sure!

Name and Country: Cory from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
I like that it is fairly small and compact- also the aboriginal art is top-notch. I don't like the key- would prefer D or G.

"ah472" was rated by us as "1st". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
the didj is definitely hollowed out by termites. As far as the fit and finish, it's excellent. I'm don't know how didj's are found or made, but I enjoy my didj. As for service, I bought my didj awhile ago, so I can't really remember- but I imagine that it was shipped quickly and my didj wasn't damaged upon arrival, so great job.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was just what I expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Reliably graded, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Excellent explanations of your products, great links, as stated above, I could hear the didj before I bought it.

How does "ah472" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
I really do not know, I haven't tried a lot of other didj's. I am certainly happy with my purchase though.

Name and Country: Anonymously

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Loved the art of the kangaroo, the resonant tone it produces!

"ap320" was rated by us as "2nd". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Much better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Wonderfully crafted and excellently applied beeswax mouthpiece

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
Support aboriginal artists and Craftsmanship

Name and Country: Rosetta from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
Well, mainly I just love having a didj at all. And thusfar I have nothing bad to say about it. Workmanship is excellent, sound is wonderful, and it's a big hit with my friends in college. It looks fairly plain, but I like it that way.

"ah656" was rated by us as "Low Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
Better than expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Service has been excellent, I particularly enjoy the newsletters.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
The didj was much better than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Sound Quality, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I was essentially impressed by everything I saw on didjshop.com

Name and Country: Gregg Nardozza from USA

Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj
ah672 is a ch didj in the key of F. It is a wonderful didj with clear vocals and a first hoot that is fairly easy to play. The didj responds well to my fast playing style in this key. The paint job could have been better in that the patinting does not display down the center of the instrument as it is played properly, it is off to the side and does not show off well because of that.

"ah672" was rated by us as "High Concert". How would you rate the sound quality of your didj?
It was exactly what I expected

How would you rate the workmanship of your didj?

How would you rate the looks of your didj?

How would you rate our service?

Please comment on our service and workmanship:
Didjshop service is always excellent. The staff are all wonderful and easy to work with. A first class operation! Workmanship is excellent, except that I would have liked the painting to display properly when playing the didj.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your didj?
My didj was less than expected

What were your main reasons to buy from us?
Workmanship, Reliably graded, Sound Quality, Can hear the didj before I buy, Business Ethics, Reliable Trustworthy Business, Aboriginal Made, Made in Australia

Any other reasons why you bought from us?
I trust the didjshop!

How does "ah672" compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value?
This didj is excellent. I bought this didj for fast playing and it really does the job. Wonderful instrument!