Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from customers of the world's finest didgeridoo store

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Name and Country Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj Please comment on our service and workmanship Please name one important reason for you to be buying from us Any other reasons why you bought from us How does your new didjshop didj compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value
Anonymous from Germany The didj is great Everything fine Reliable Trustworthy Business No reason Price: more expensive sound quality & value: much better
Anonymously Like: shape, mouthpiece, sound dislike:bottom finition Service very good as for the shipping efficiency. Good workmanship Reliably graded Most complete website that sells didgeridoos on the web! great options to choose the right didge among a large range of prices and quality! Hearing the didge on-line is great but more sounds would be welcomed! Af019 is my best didge! Love playing it!
Robert from USA Great sound and craftmanship! Great on Shipments to USA. Can hear the didj before I buy   Ad019 is suprior to all my didjes.
Petr Kralik from Czech Republic Everything is ok. Ok Reliably graded No Ok
Thomas from USA Everything is wonderful Very nice Aboriginal Made No  
Anonymous from Sweden I love the size, the weight and the pure, clean sound. But sometimes I want a didji with deeper a sound You gave me your time and helped me choosing a didji. Workmanship You have a lot of different didgeridoos to choose from Af537 owns my other didges. One I made myself and one is a very cheap one..
Wilfried Gabriel from Germany Good sound and very nice art work Service is almost perfect workmanship seem to have a very high standard (as far as I can judge it) Reliably graded    
Timothy Garlinge from United Kingdom I love everything about this didj, The sound quality and look/style are great Your eucalyptus didgeridoos are second to none they are great. As for service well your team are so very friendly they are more like friends and family and will do anything to help you are all so helpful and kind and pleasant its wonderful..thank you Reliably graded Such a great range of didgeridoos for all levels of player and for every pocket. Any questions that I needed answered before I plcaed y order was answered quickly and accurately. I wouldnt be happier buying something so important from anywhere else  
Thom Seargeant from USA I love the ease with which it can be played and the "sense of connection" that comes with knowing it is a true Aboriginal work. The workmanship on the didj is excellent and your service surpassed even that. My ordering experience was excellent and your post-sales contacts were immensely helpful. Business Ethics I love the sounds of a "good didj" and enjoy playing them. Given the choice, I will always purchase Aboriginal-made didjes if the proceeds are returned to the Aboriginees. This didj holds its own quite well. It is amazingly easy to play and takes vocalizations with ease. It is a great value.
John from USA Tonal quality Excellent service & workmanship Best site on web  
Thom Seargeant from USA The musical key of this instrument was a big plus for me. I have a Native American "Kiowa Love Flute" in this key and the instruments do wonderfully together. Dislike: It is fairly tricky to play, but your rating system correctly identified that prior to purchase. Per all of my experiences with the Didjshop, your service, courtesy, and support are second to none. I own 3 of your didjes and have found excellent workmanship on all. Business Ethics A very, very happy return customer The sound is great, albeit a bit difficult to obtain. The quality is excellent and the value is quite high.
Jonas Ruch from France I like The clarity of sound ( particulary in high) the "vernis" inside the didj it's a very very good idea I dislike the lack of rapidity of this didj I prefer didjs which are more react I'm thing you are probably the best didjshop. THe workmanship is really carefully done Sound Quality The fact all your didj are hollowed by termites (and because all your didj are ineuca) I have a didj in teck which are a very good didj. It's veri rapid and react. I prefer this didj. It costs 60euro. But its sound quality are less good.
Anonymous from Canada I really hit the 'sweet spot' for me on this Didj. I find c# to be THE key that best resonates with my body. The best thing about this didj is that I find the frequency range of harmonics etc to be VERY evenly balanced. It is deep and resonant, yet snappy in the mid and high end. I have several C#'s and this one is just perfect. And the wood and artwork are awesome, this is my favorite of all 6 I have purchased from Didjshop! I've never had a didjshop didj crack or appear defective in any way. Your service is top class. Once there was a mixup and my didj went to Italy, and 'his' to me, this was handled very professionally and the switch was made in good time with no headaches, now that is SERVICE! Workmanship I have now purchased 6 Didj's from Didjshop, I feel I get the best instrument for the price with NO hassles and NO regrets! For termite hollowed didjes, there is hardly a comparison, it is true High Concert Class, others can't touch it!
Helge Engebø from Norway I like just about everything The service is excellent, there really ain't much more to say about this issue Reliable Trustworthy Business Not really The other one is not even close. This was a souvenir didj, not a real instrument. It was expensive compared to what I got, which was only a wooden stick, not much more...
Diederick Neels from Belgium About this didj I'd like the very bassy sound and you realy have play it gently. becaus of that gentle playing I get in a trance that is mild and very relaxing There isnt a better shop on the internet to buy a didj. and the service is great. I didnt think I would get my didjes so fast. two dumps up!!! Made in Australia Becaus the didjes where extremely beautifull  
Helge Engebø from Norway I like everything, but specially the sound, it's loud, clear and nice!! Both were excellent! Reliable Trustworthy Business Not really Don't make me laugh! The other didj doesn't belong in this league at all.
Traecy from USA Love the quality and look of it. After using a homemade didji made of PVC and beeswax, the REAL one is a LOT harder to play. I wish I could find lessons in my area. But I am really glad to own one that is helping the aboriginal folks and not a joe looking to make money off of someone else's culture. BTW, I only put 'less than I expected because I was really hoping to be able to play it as well as my PVC one, which is not your fault! Great. Reliably graded You explained everything so well in your site, and it made me feel a connection and want to buy aboriginal, as I would not have known about that without your site. You made me comfortable buying from another continent! Other is homemade PVC, so OF COURSE it sounds way better. When I came across someone who knew how to play it, it sounded AMAZING.
A Munshi from United Kingdom The mouthpiece is very comfortable and the sound from it is beautiful. It is a little heavy for travelling, but I can't really fault it. The didge looks as though it was made by someone who relly cares about their work. I chose a plain one, but I must admit I prefer the decorated ones. Sound Quality The website got across the passion of all involved in the didges and how important they are to everyone. It also highlighted present day problems faced by the Aborinal people, which shows a determination not be a part of the exploitation of a group of people so common in business today. The quality of sound is higher than my others, although one plays a much deeper note, which I do like. It was very fairly priced, coming second only to one of my others, which is very intricately decorated in a very different style. It was important to me not to buy a didge that copied the Aboriginal style.
Diederick Neels from Belgium There are no dislikes, I like the big but on the end. I love it then you can play him ruf and very smood Just terific! fabiulous Made in Australia Becaus the didjes are magnifisent They are great, but the bamboe's ones that I got are different bit more prehistoric sound and sometimes horrible sound like an lawnmower
Sean from USA I like the simple but polished lok of the didj and the feel of the wieght of it. I dislike that I can't always take it with me when I travel for work, it doesn't fit as a carry-on, hehe. The service was excellent and I really like the simplicity of the polished wood, it matches my soul. I haven't been able to play it as well as I'd hoped, but once I improve, I'm sure the sound will be better. Reliably graded I visted the area when I was in Australia. Hehe, I made my other didj from a PVC pipe so I can't really compare. It's more portable, but not nearly as nice to play. An artist friend did some beautiful artwork on it and she actually made it look like wood, impressive! So glad I have the real thing from you guys though or I probably would not still be playing/learning.
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